Subject: Re: Sparc lawyers prove more stupid than suns (fwd)
To: Harald Barth <>
From: Missing - presumed fed. <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/18/1997 17:34:56
Why don't we just call it NetBSD/zot and be done with it?
Harald Barth sez:
* > Before you do that, call Sparc International (408 748-9111)
* Worth a try?
* If that does not lead anywhere, it's still possible to call it
* NetBSD/craps for the american/english and NetBSD/spark for the
* scandinavian market :-)
Assignment: Think about and expound upon the possibilities of these two
questions. What would the world be like today if
a) the Roman Empire had been defeated early on? (religious implications)
b) the Stock Market had not crashed? (economical/political implications)