Subject: -current (trunk) failing of chat(8) with a new kernel.
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: matthew green <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/28/1997 12:50:49
from an approximately 12 hour old source tree, i build a new kernel for my
SS2..  this is a headless machine with 16M, and runs as my router/ppp
gateway, using a 28k8 modem, with ttyb running at 38400 bps.  my chat
script never saw anything beyond the `CONNECT 28800' message, and eventually
timed out.  i haven't yet investigated much further, but i was not getting
any overruns -- it didn't get anything at all.

i will have more data for this later today, when i'm not at work.
