Subject: Re: Mounting UFS from solaris and NetBSD
To: Yuri Gindin <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/15/1997 11:13:59
> Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 12:51:13 +0200 (IST)
It's a little old, but on the theory that late is better than never,
> What can I do to see NetBSD FFS from solaris ? newfs -O on NetBSD ?
If anything, that should do it. If you newfs it from Solaris, NetBSD
should be able to mount it read/write and work with it; going back to
Solaris, I would expect nothing worse than fsck would be required.
> Another question about the emulation.
> I tried both SunOS and SVR4 emulations
> I can run many non-graphics applications both from SunOS and Solaris,
> netscape-4 both SunOS and Solaris ,
> some graphical applications from Solaris (dtcalc for example)
> and almost nothing graphical from SunOS.
> Is it supposed to be like this, means no graphical applications ?
It would really help if you could be specific. When you say you can't
run them, does that mean you what? Get "exec format error"? Get a
segfault? They appear to run but nothing shows up? They run and
display something but what's displayed is reflected horizontally?
(Okay, that last is unlikely, but please, "it doesn't work" borders on
Define "graphical"? This could be simply a matter of not having
appropriate SunOS libraries in /emul/sunos. (On the other hand, it
could be that you're trying to run old SunWindows programs that depend
on the /dev/win* devices in the kernel; AFAIK NetBSD doesn't even try
to emulate that.) "Open"Windows programs may or may not work,
depending on things like whether you're running the OW server.
Really old programs that use -lpixrect might or might not work; I don't
know enough about the underlying mechanisms. I _think_ they just
memory-map the framebuffer and its device registers, in which case they
might Just Work, once you drop in if dynamically linked.
der Mouse
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