Subject: Re: Unbelievable: Sun supports FreeBSD-sparc port for Ultra.
To: Erik E. Fair <>
From: Michael K. Sanders <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/17/1997 17:36:49
In message <v03110705b0bdb66ec8d8@[]>, "Erik E. Fair" writes:
>I conclude that this is a marketing thing: Sun wants to try and make
>inroads on the Mom & Pop ISP market, where FreeBSD has a fairly wide
>acceptance for both running with good stability & reliability (and easy
>install) on the variety of hardware found in the Intel market, and for how
>cheap it (and the hardware) are (it could be that Sun finds this
>embarassing - they do claim to be an "Internet server" company). So if Sun
>begins producing an ATX form factor motherboard with PCI bus slots...

They've already got one-- the SPARCengine Ultra AX[*1]. No idea on 
cost, though.  I believe Jason mentioned this board on the
freebsd-hackers list, specifically that the next version would SCSI
instead of IDE.

>However, in the mean time, let's help - there's information to be gained,
>and another platform to go for! (Especially if they do begin to price it
>decently - have you seen what Sun hardware goes for in the used market?


:: Mike ::
