Subject: Re: netboot cant find init?
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/24/1998 06:56:29
> root on 3jane:/mnt/ashpool/root
> root file system type: nfs
> exec /sbin/init: error 13
[error 13 is EACCES, Permission denied]

> /etc/exports:
> /mnt/ashpool/root ashpool

> I've tried things like '/mnt/ashpool/root -alldirs -maproot=root ashpool'
> but mountd claims it is an invalid exports entry.  Eh?

What OS is 3jane running?  That looks like a reasonable NetBSD exports
line, but it has to be appropriate to *3jane's* mountd.

However, if /mnt/ashpool/root and its etc/ subdir have their world
execute bits, and init exists and is at least 111 in said etc/ subdir,
the options shouldn't matter.  What do you get if you run, on 3jane,
"ls -ld /mnt/ashpool/root /mnt/ashpool/root/etc /mnt/ashpool/root/etc/init"?

					der Mouse

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