Subject: Re: new to sparcs
To: None <>
From: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/17/1998 06:32:39
> Well i just bought my first sparc!
> an ss1+ with 32mb ram and a 1.2 gig hd.
Doh! You should've spent a little more and gotten an SS2 ... then when you'd
saved up some more money you could get a Weitek chip and gotten a nice little
machine out of it ...
> does an ss1+ have a built in frame buffer or would i have to buy one of those
> as well?
Sorry, no built-in frame buffer; those are the IPC's and IPX's and LX's.
> 1. what are the chances of getting an ss1+ on a 100baseTX network? do i need
> an SBus card? any idea on how much this would cost me?
I don't believe the 1's and 1+'s will support a SunSWIFT (Fast Ethernet) card,
sorry. (Should have bought that SS2 ... )
> 2. what about having an ss1 as a gateway box with ipf and ipnat. it has one
> 10 mbit connection but can i add another? via an SBus slot? how much would
> another 10 mbit adapter cost me?
You can probably put an FSBE/S buffered Ethernet/SCSI card in it. Price - ???
> 3. any stability problems with netbsd on ss1+'s?
> 4. i assume that it has a fast narrow scsi-2 adapter with it.
Nope, Slow internal SCSI. (Matt Jacob is the Swami of SCSI here on
> What about using external SCSI disks? Any way to use a Wide or Ultra disk
> with an SS1?
Stability of using a Wide or UltraWide SBus SCSI controller is questionable
with the 1/1+. (Again, should have gotten that SS2 ... ) There's also the
question of NetBSD drivers ... (hey Matt, whatever happened to that QLGC
driver? (-: )
> 5. anything that doesnt work that i should know about? does X work? etc...
I'm sure X works, but you need that console head :-)
> any good info sources on where i can get details about the hardware on ss1's?
> the bus type, add on adapters, scsi adapter info, ethernet adapter info, etc. or are good places to
start. Or grab the files that make up the "Sun Hardware FAQ" from
(The info there is over a year old, but mostly still relevant.)
- Greg