Subject: Re: Problems NFS-booting
To: Magnus Karlsson <>
From: James Graham - Systems Anarchist <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/09/1998 23:52:26
[Sorry for the lengthy include for such a short reply.]
Magnus Karlsson sez:
* So, let's go for the more informative output:
* 03:25:57.879659 lechuck.1022 > guybrush.755: udp 80
* 4500 006c 0000 0000 0411 331c c0a8 010b
* c0a8 010a 03fe 02f3 0058 5bef 0000 0002
* 0000 0000 0000 0002 0001 86ba 0000 0001
* 0000 0002 0000 0001 0000 0014 0000 0000
* 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
* 0000
* First of all, as a newbie to these matters, I can't fully understand this
* output. After reading RFC 768 (UDP) I can read out that c0a8 010b c0a8
* 010a is the IP-numbers and (for lechuck and
c0a8 == 192.168, not 198.168...
* guybrush) and 03fe 02f3 are the ports, 0058 would be the length (which
* makes me wonder why tcpdump reports 80), 5bef is the checksum and
* thereafter comes the data. But this leaves me with the first 12 octets
* unaccounted for.
protocol, packet sequence number and timestamp?
Have A Nice Day. (Offer void where taxed or prohibited.)