Subject: Porting mit-pthreads (mysql) to NetBSD-1.3 sparc
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Boven <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/10/1998 21:33:00
Hi everyone,
For a while already I've been trying to get MySQL up and running on my
system. It is now included in the packages-system, but only for alpha
and intel, because the patched version of mit-pthreads that comes with
mysql will only work under NetBSD-1.3 with those systems.
The reason for that (as far as I can see) is that a small piece of
assembly is missing, that interfaces between pthreads and several
syscalls. These have only been updated to NetBSD-1.3 for those two
architectures so far. So rather than reverting my computer back to
NetBSD-1.1, I would like to ask if anyone would care to help and
get these 3 files up to spec for this port. Unfortunatly I do not
know any Sparc assembly myself.
The files in question can be found in
Regards, happy hacking, Paul Boven.
Paul Boven, <> PE1NUT QRV 145.575 JO32KF
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