Subject: RE: Sparcs
To: J T Gill <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/04/1998 18:19:56
On 05-Sep-98 J T Gill spoke unto us all:
#  Hi, I've been thinking of buying a sparc (probably about LX or so, or
#  slow S5) and was planning to run NetBSD on it.  I was wondering though,
#  is the netbsd/sparc very well supported, i.e., would I be able to find
#  stuff for it, and is the development environment good enough to allow
#  me to compile stuff fairly easily?  Would I be able to run netscape with
#  java,
#  say? (Not really too worried about the speed)  Thanks

I have two sparc SS1's here and I can say with confidence about 99% of anything
that compiles on i386 NetBSD compiles just peachy on sparc.  Half of the other
1% is assembler, and the rest is stuff that assumes a sparc == sunos.. (easy

NetBSD doesn't ditch architectures based on popularity.. we try to maintain the
same level of good support for all of them. (note _try_, nobody is perfect)

Tim Rightnour    -