Subject: Re: MP3 encoding (was: CD Ripping under NetBSD/Sparc)
To: John Ruschmeyer <>
From: Michael Lorenz <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/21/1998 08:55:38
Greetings !

> As for an encoder, though, I followed a link from to
> Fraunhofer IIS. They have a demo available of a SunOS-based encoder which
> appears to run under emulation. The URL is:
> Of course the irony in all this is that the end result is the ability
> to make MP3's on a machine which is to slow to play them.

which - more irony - is limited to 30 seconds encoding. the only useable encoder I
could find was a demo from which is of course win32 but
has as far as I could find out no limitations besides that is couls only create
128kBit mp3's, not more.The Fraunhofer Institut has declared all free mp3 encoder
as illegal because their programmers don't have paid license fees for the encoding
algorithm, the playing algorithm remains free, but not the encoder :-(((
