Subject: Re: Diskless install on a SPARCstation 330
To: Lyndon Griffin <>
From: Rick Copeland <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/27/1998 14:03:42
I have a Sparc Station 330 that I tried to netboot sometime ago (about 6
months). I have checked my notes from the work I did and curiously you are
having the exact same problem that I had at the time. The bad part is
after a month or so of working with it I abandoned the project. When I
would turn the machine on all tests would come back "OK" which made me
believe that the hardware was alright, later on I purchased a second cpu
board because I could not make the first one work past what you have done
here. Sad thing is purchasing the second cpu board only confirmed that the
problem is with the software and not the hardware. Many on the list have
said that the "M" series should work but I have my doubts (maybe a eprom
revision conflict). If you manage to get it working please post EXACTLY
how you did it!
At 08:00 PM 10/26/98 -0500, Lyndon Griffin wrote:
>I'm trying to net-boot my SPARCstation 330. I have followed the diskless
>how to to a T, but no luck. The server platform (currently) is RedHat 5.1
>(After unsuccessful attempts with Solaris 2.6 and FreeBSD 2.2.5).
>The problem appears to be in the whoami broadcast from the boot image.
>While I (think) I can see the call and response in a snoop, it still fails
>to send the GETFILE request and continue with the boot process.
>Here's what my snoop session looks like:
>rarp whois client tell client
>rarp reply client at
> > 22 RRQ "CDF4E604.SUN4"
>>>> tftp transfer removed for brevity <<<
>rarp who-is client tell client
>rarp reply client at
>rarp who-is client tell client
>rarp reply client at
> > udp 96
> > udp 96
> > udp 96
> > udp 96
>and that's all. What it looks like is that it sends the whoami, then my
>server answers, then it repeats. I think. But why would it be a rarp
>conversation, instead of an RPC?
>I should add what my SPARCstation shows:
>>b le()
>Using IP Address = CDF4E604
>Boot: le(0,0,0)
>Booting from tftp server at = CDF4E603
>Downloaded 43784 bytes from tftp server.
>>> NetBSD/sparc Secondary Boot, Revision 1.7
>>> (pk@flambard, Mon May 11 09:43:48 MEST 1998)
>Using IP Address = CDF4E604
>boot: client IP address:
>bootparamd: 'whoami' call failed
>Can't open network device 'le(0,0,0)'
>open: netbsd: Unknown error: code 60
>One more thing - when I run the rpc.bootparamd in debug mode, I can see the
>request come in, and presumably the response go out. I am sure that all me
>daemons are running. That is why I'm really confused.
>I have also gone through this same process with the OpenBSD net boot - the
>results are exactly the same.
>Am I missing something? Please advise.
><:) Lyndon Griffin