Subject: Help with install
To: None <>
From: conley steve <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/08/1998 15:09:56
Hello there :-)

I'm trying to install NetBSD on a Sun IPX workstation using a Linux server
to give NetBSD to the IPX.  The IPX has no accessable OS on it, so I've
been trying to use the diskless workstation installation.

I've got RARP installed on the Linux box, I have the file in the
/tftpboot directory and I can download it myself with tftp, and I have the
root of the NetBSD filesystem under /netbsd   It is NFS exported with
readwrite permission to any IP currently (insecure, I know, but it's
behind a firewall and there's no other machines to take advantage of that
hole).  The IP I have chosen for the IPX is (CCE61562 in
hex) and it's hardware address is 08:00:20:1A:34:2D

I power on, and I hit stop-a.  It's in the new command mode (ok prompt)

When I boot with `boot net netbsd -s' at the `ok' prompt, I get the little
sun icon and the ROM/computer information.  Then it says:

Boot device: /sbus/le@0,c00000    File and args: netbsd -s
>> NetBSD/sparc Secondary Boot, Revision 1.7
>> (pk@flambard, Fri Jan 2 00:10 58 MET 1998)
boot: client IP address:
recvrpc: reject, astat=1, errno=1
bootparamd: 'whoami' call failed
Can't open network device `/sbus@1,f8000000/le@0,c00000'
open: netbsd: Operation not permitted
device[/sbus@1,f8000000/le@0,c00000]: <prompt>

It prompts me at that point.  If I hit enter, it says boot?, and if
I type anything there and hit enter it loops back to Can't open network
device, blah blah.

I'm likely either not putting something in the right place, or not doing
something right with the bootp.  I don't understand this error and the
installation documentation leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to
descriptiveness in getting this to work, so could someone please help me

I've subscribed to this list, but I've not gotten confirmation back
(probably because I'm using the corperate email and it's MS and it bites),
so please make sure to CC `' when replying.

Thanks a lot in advance!