Subject: Re: pppd yet again.
To: None <>
From: Andreas Eltrich <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/13/1999 10:59:35
You (UNIX hacker and security officer) wrote:
> BSD Compression is not the issue -- I've run with it all turned OFF,
> and it _still_ doesn't connect. I see it's moved to port-sparc.
> Wise.
> It's like stuff is getting shoved out the serial port, and the modem
> appears not to see it (Resource Temporarily Unavailable, for some or
> other reason).
I don't know whether it's the same problem, but I have an annoying problem
with pppd too.
Recently I switched from NetBSD/atari to NetBSD/sparc. I've set up a modem
dialin using mgetty (-DAUTO_PPP) and pppd. On my atari box this worked
very well.
On my Sparc Classic (NetBSD-current 1998/12/19) there seems to exist a
problem with the DCD signal. Mgetty complains about an "tio_get_rs232_lines:
TIOCMGET failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device" every time when
initializing the serial port.
I had to configure "ignore-carrier true" in mgetty.config to get mgetty
accepting calls and not to disconnect them immediately. Furthermore I had
to change "modem" to "local" in .ppprc to convince pppd to connect to the
serial port. Without this pppd starts and simply does nothing.
Without honouring DCD signal mgetty does not recognize the dialin partner
disconnecting the modem, so I even had to configure ppp keepalives - very
annoying :(
I'm pretty sure that my serial cable is correct, so I think the kernel zs
driver has a problem with the DCD signal. Unfortunately I'm not enough
kernel hacker to track this problem down :(
BTW, is it really true that my Sparc Classic supports a maximum speed of
38400 bps at the serial ports? It would be very nice to use at least 57600
bps to take advantage of modem compression...
Bye, Elchy
Andreas Eltrich ( ( ) ( ) ) Mail:
Munich, Germany `-^-^-@@-^-^-'
Tel: +49-89-54379757 (..) Fax/Modem: +49-89-54379758