Subject: inn 2.1 dies
To: Port-Sparc <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/22/1999 22:42:12
I have been running inn 2.1 (built from pkgsrc) under SS1+ for a few
weeks now. Everything works just fine - until innd suddenly dies
without a trace. No core dumps, no log messages (neither in syslogs,
nor in inn logs). Sometimes inn works for almost a week, sometimes it
dies in less than two days.
We receive only a partial feed here and the machine is doing fairly
well. No other processes are known to die and the machine has been
stable so far. I don't think innd is hitting the memory limits
(the process has always been less than 10 MB in size while the memory
use limit is 30 MB).
Before this, I used to run inn 1.4 under stunos and it never (and
that's _never_) died like this. I guess someone else is running inn
as it is part of the package system.. anyone seen the problem I have?