Subject: Re: inn 2.1 dies
To: NetBSD/sparc Discussion List <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/06/1999 21:19:02
> > This system is about 50 km from here, but I guess I'll have to go there
> > and do the usual "pull everything apart and put it back together" kind of
> > fix (hopefully, it's just some SIMM become loose..)..
> That could be -- however memory errors should be detected unless you've
> put faked parity memory into the machine. I'm not 100% sure the parity
> detection works 100% on older sparcstations though -- I wish I had a
> test SIMM with a guaranteed bad bit that I could use to excercise it.
I ran the boot ROM RAM test on the memory and it complained (something
like "memory walking test failed, address error"). Maybe I have a bad
SIMM or more there - too bad the memory test doesn't tell which one is
bad. I don't even know what kind of error it is from the message.
9-chip 30-pin SIMMs are kind of hard to find these days..