Subject: Re: swapping processors?
To: Ken Wellsch <>
From: David Bobart <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/17/1999 12:43:54
They might not. I haven't opened either. Someone offered me the 85 Mhz.
chip so I was curious. I'll open them up once I can shut them down. They
are in use so it's difficult to poke around.
David Bobart
Network Security Manager
Homewood Academic Computing
On Wed, 17 Feb 1999, Ken Wellsch wrote:
> Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 12:39:09 -0500 (EST)
> From: Ken Wellsch <>
> To: David Bobart <>
> Subject: Re: swapping processors?
> | Pardon the hardware question, but I figure people on this list
> | know more than most. I have a Sparc 20 w/50 Mhz. SuperSparc and an 85 Mhz.
> | chip from a Sparc 5. I am curious whether I could use the 85 Mhz. chip on
> | the Sparc 20. I am assuming the 85 Mhz. chip is also a SuperSparc. I am
> | not familiar with clocking on a SUN so I am wondering if the chip controls
> | everything or is soldering required. Thanks.
> |
> | David Bobart
> | Network Security Manager
> | Homewood Academic Computing
> I've not actually physically looked, but I don't believe the two
> have a lot in common, other than being Sparc systems 8-)
> Do both appear to be Mbus cards and do they fit in each other's chassis?
> >From the spectable (Spec92):
> Sun SS5/85 MicroSP2 85 16/8 65.3 53.1 May95 SunIntro
> Sun SS20/50 SuprSP 50 20/16 76.9 80.1 May95 SunIntro
> -- Ken