Subject: Re: Ethernet Questions ..
To: None <>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/10/1999 14:20:15 (Graham Jenkins) writes:

>I have a number of assorted 1.3.3 Sparc machines in use at my company
>as Xterminals, all with the '/dev/console' line commented out (because
>its not really practicable to run a console window - users sometimes
>use a local window manager, and sometimes XDM on a remote host). Yet
>when LAN traffic gets heavy, they all get 'excessive collisons' messages
>thrown onto the screen.  Is this fixed in 1.4.x - or is there another
>way around it ?

"Excessive collisions", i.e. 15 collisions in a row when trying to transmit
a packet?  Your network must be heavily overloaded.

Anyway, the messages are output inside the kernel to the console device.
You could use a serial console or write a program that redirects the console
to a pty and logs the output..

>On another issue - one of the above-mentioned machines thinks it has 2
>ethernet cards with the same MAC address .. as shown in the 'messages'
>and 'ifconfig' extracts hereunder.  What is going on here ??       G.

For most Ethernet cards Suns adhere to the original Ethernet spec that
all Ethernet cards in a machine should have the same Ethernet address.

Christoph Badura

	Anything that can be done in O(N) can be done in O(N^2).
	-- Ralf Schuettau (after looking at a particular piece of code)