Subject: Boot floppy
To: None <>
From: J. Heinrich <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/22/1999 22:35:44
What is the correct procedure for creating a NetBSD bootable floppy
from Solaris?

I downloaded NetBSD-1.4/sparc/installation/bootfs/boot-14.fs.gz to
my SS1+ (currently running Solaris 2.51) and put it on a floppy
with (from memory):

  dd if=boot-14.fs.gz of=/vol/dev/rdiskette0/unlabelled bs=512

This resulted in an errors like "bad magic number" and "not
executable" when attempting to "boot fd(,,1)", presumably because
the diskette is unlabelled?

Next, I fdformat'ed the floppy, but then couldn't dd to

What is The Right Way to do this?

$Id: .signature,v 1.3 1998/03/02 22:18:29 j Exp $