Subject: Re: sucessful build of a new SLC kernel, but no mouse in X ? +docs
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/22/1999 08:28:36
I have both an ELC, and an SLC set up in alternate cases. (headless)
They both operate flawlesly. The *hardest* part of the entire operation was
soldering the end
of a 50 pin SCSI cable to the 'daughter' board that the CPU plugs into. I ended
up desoldering the SCSI socket,
and soldering the cable directly to the board.
The other important sockets have had extender cables added so thjey can be
brought out to the back
of the slim line PC case.
I used to have their original cases, but they both had power supply problems,
and I could not get a schematic diagram for the PSU.
go for it...
Manuel Bouyer <> on 21/07/99 11:27:01 pm
To: Reinoud Zandijk <>
Subject: Re: sucessful build of a new SLC kernel, but no mouse in X ? +docs
On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 02:11:15PM +0200, Reinoud Zandijk wrote:
> Hmmm... I was thinking about adding another switch by modifying the
> standard switch to be the switch for the tube and to add a extra swich for
> the electronics. But I don't have a schema. Could this be posible? Or the
> other way around? An extra swich between the 220 v and the power-converter
> for the high-voltage stuff for the monitor?
Well, I tried to just disconnect the monitor part in a ELC chassis, because
it was useless anyway. This resulted in a nice white smoke from the alim
part. I think I had the screen's power-converter disconnected from the
220v. Anyway this is not a straitforward operation :)
It seems that the power supply will not do the rigth thing if not loaded
The CPU board is still functionnal though, I guess I could hook it up
in a PC case ...
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.