Subject: Re: 1.4 -> current
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/15/1999 21:06:16
> With the new ELF toolchain, size_t changed.  Add NOGCCERROR to your
> mk.conf or environment, ignore the warnings and build your kernel.

This alone doesn't seem to be enough.  As far as I can tell, NOGCCERROR
is used only in, and it doesn't seem to matter to the kernel
build.  The kernel Makefile reads

CWARNFLAGS?=    -Werror -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes \
.if (${HAVE_GCC28} != "")
CWARNFLAGS+=    -Wno-main

and the commands executed do include -Werror, the compiler says
"warnings being treated as errors", and those warnings still cause the
compilation to bomb out.

Perhaps I need to build-and-install something else first?  Anyway,
since it sounds as though the -current toolchain, once built, will
behave correctly, I'll just remove -Werror by hand (I've backed out the
private patch I mentioned last message to ansi.h).

					der Mouse

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