Subject: panic, illegal instruction.
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/17/1999 03:37:54
Sparc IPX, 32 megs memory. Sources checked out -D "19991209 UTC".

Happened once when I first booted the new kernel, then a few hours into the
make build (soon after dependall ===> libc it turns out), it hit again. This
is what I got the second time.

(gdb) target kcore netbsd.0.core
panic: illegal instruction
#0  0xf006e510 in mi_switch ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0xf006e510 in mi_switch ()
#1  0xf006dce8 in tsleep ()
#2  0xf0178528 in uvm_scheduler ()
#3  0xf005d724 in check_console ()
#4  0xf000986c in cpu_hatch ()
can not access 0x30784c, invalid address (30784c)
can not access 0x30784c, invalid address (30784c)
can not access 0x30784c, invalid address (30784c)
can not access 0x30784c, invalid address (30784c)
can not access 0xefffffd8, invalid address (efffffd8)
can not access 0xefffffd8, invalid address (efffffd8)
Cannot access memory at address 0xefffffd8.
(gdb) disas 0xf006e500 0xf006e520
Dump of assembler code from 0xf006e500 to 0xf006e520:
0xf006e500 <mi_switch+404>:     or  %o2, 0x370, %o2     ! 0xf027bf70 <uvmexp>
0xf006e504 <mi_switch+408>:     ld  [ %o2 + 0x6c ], %o1
0xf006e508 <mi_switch+412>:     mov  %l2, %o0
0xf006e50c <mi_switch+416>:     inc  %o1
0xf006e510 <mi_switch+420>:     call  0xf0009ea8 <cpu_switch>
0xf006e514 <mi_switch+424>:     st  %o1, [ %o2 + 0x6c ]
0xf006e518 <mi_switch+428>:     call  0xf0192460 <microtime>
0xf006e51c <mi_switch+432>:     or  %l3, 0x10c, %o0
End of assembler dump.

I don't have a lot of experience with these on sparc yet -- is this likely
to be a kernel bug, or the cold weather irritating this ancient IPX I bought
on the cheap a few months ago?

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @