Subject: None
To: matthew green <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/04/2000 09:21:01
>> I've never run pkgsrc X and am not likely to, largely because I
>> think it's rather badly broken to take XFree86 (which is basically
>> Intel-specific) and try to twist it back into something MI - even if
>> it's the XFree86 people doing it, it still means that everyone,
>> Intel or not, gets a server with an Intel bias.
> huh?
Which part don't you understand? It was (and is) my understanding that
pkgsrc X is basically XFree86. XFree86 is basically Intel-specific
(witness the very name). The X in pkgsrc has been bashed on to make it
run on other hardware, true - and that's what I'm saying I feel is
"rather badly broken": to take a perfectly good X system, cast the
whole thing in an Intel mold (ie, XFree86), and then try to deIntelify
again. I'm using X11R6.4p3, and it didn't even take significant work.
der Mouse
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