Subject: Re: INSTALL kernels on release branch broken?
To: Curt Sampson <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/22/2000 02:15:07
> loading. The behaviour you're getting (prints everything just fine until
> near the end, when it trashes itself, producing an illegal instruction
> exception) would be perfectly consistent with that. Stripping the kernel
> would probably be a good way to test this theory, if you get past the
> first two sets of numbers and the `]' during the load.

Stripping the kernel gets it to finish loading.

However: what does this mean?

md0: fixed, 3528 blocksdevice_register boot device mismatch
	altbootdev=NOT FOUND
RETURN to continue

Once I hit return, it prompts for the terminal type normally and the sysinst
main screen comes up okay. I didn't do a test install yet, but I figure that
will probably work.

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @