Subject: RE: Tadpole 3GX - working serial ports (almost)
To: Julian Coleman <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/24/2000 18:11:13
On 24-Feb-00 Julian Coleman wrote:
> As the serial ports need the auxio2 attached in order to power on, does it
> make sense to attach auxio2 before the serial ports?

I would say allow the devices to attach in whatever order they normally do. 
When the auxio2 device attaches, I would turn the power on for all the various
devices.  I would also create external functions to flip the power on and off
for the various devices, so that the devices can elect to turn themselves on.

If you wanted to tackle it.. you might make it so that opening the serial port
device, flips the power switch on for the serial ports on the tadpole.  Perhaps
a final close could turn them off.

When I commit my sleep code.. I would like to be able to call these off
routines and turn off as many devices as possible.

Great work!

Tim Rightnour <>
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