Subject: Re: your mail
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/15/2000 15:03:24
>>>> And an hour or two while it cranks away.
>>> pkg_add\*
>> I don't get it.  How would that speed up the compile?
> That's going to download a binary package and install it.  It has
> been pre-compiled for you.

Oh.  Well, thanks for the suggestion...BUT...

(a) I don't run software I didn't build from source.  (There are three
exceptions: (1) boot ROMs and similar firmware; (2) my NeXT Cube,
because NetBSD/next68k does not yet support SCSI (I would not today buy
that machine); (3) the first install on a new architecture, when I
perforce install binaries from elsewhere.)

(b) Even if (a) weren't an issue, the resulting binaries would have
been built on a stock system.  In the case of CVS it likely turns out
to not matter...but in general, it can matter that (for example) I've
got a different "struct proc" from a stock system.

					der Mouse

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