Subject: Re: IPC cras
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/24/2000 17:06:54
> Since RAM usually has ECC or at least parity,

We wish. :-/  Unfortunately there's a lot of non-parity (or
logic-parity, which amounts to the same thing as far as detecting
storage errors goes) memory out there.

> a bad SIMM should cause a memory fault not a data fault.

And maybe it does - does NetBSD/sparc do anything with memory faults?
I'm fairly sure it doesn't on the 1+; I've got three known-bad SIMMs
that I use as memory fault detection test cases, and I don't think I've
ever seen NetBSD/sparc notice memory errors as memory errors.

					der Mouse

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