Subject: 1.4.2 xconsole
To: None <>
From: Matthew Haas <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/27/2000 09:34:36
I have a Tadpole SPARCbook 3GX running a 1.4.2 system (with a 1.4T
kernel from the archives). I have a Tadpole SCSI floppy attached to the
system, and have found that it resides on /dev/sd1c.
However, when I use mtools (sd1: NO DISK LABEL) or anything which
results in a system-level message to the console (like the TCTRL0: LOW
POWER WARNING!) It very roughly sticks a console message in the bottom
left of my X screen, 'adjusting' the image upward, with the 'actual'
window being displaced.
Running a screen saver real quick clears up my screen.
I've added a:
*.*;*.=* /var/log/messages
to syslog and have rebooted. It still occurs. I've been trying to get
xconsole up and running and I get a message saying it cannot find
inspect.xpm, and also that xconsole cannot open the console.
Is there anyway to get around this?
Also, is there anyway (from within NetBSD) to control the external SVGA
port? I understand that under solaris there is the 'fbconfig' command,
just wondering if there is any similar capability (does tadpolectl support