Subject: re: Device driver, fast interrupt vector conflict
To: Tim <>
From: matthew green <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/05/2000 12:39:36
I'm trying to get the OpenBSD spif multiport serial port driver
working on NetBSD/Sparc... I've managed to get the code compiling
and generally looking OK as fas as NetBSD is concerned; BUT:
When it is attached, it is being given interrupt level 13. When
it tries to attach itself with bus_intr_establish, though, it
turns out something else has already pinched 13 for a fast vector
interrupt. ("panic: intr_establish: level 13 interrupt tied to fast
How do I sort this out? I've no idea what it is that's tied to 13,
so I don't know how to tell it to use something else, and I don;t
know how to tell the spif to try something else either!
can you show us the entire boot message? that should indicate who
had ipl 13. though, it seems to be that all the serial devices in
a sparc should share the same ipl (ie, zs is 12) but that doesn't
seem to be feasible with the fast interrupt handler for zs...