Subject: Re: Sparc graphics and other random ramblings...
To: Kurt J. Lidl <>
From: Erik E. Fair <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/17/2000 13:00:15
At 10:01 -0700 8/17/00, Kurt J. Lidl wrote:
>There are currently drivers for the following sparc graphics boards:
> sunbw0
> suncg14
> suncg3
> suncg6
> sunggb
> sunleo
> suntcx
>Note -- I don't believe that the cg6 driver is accelerated (yet)! The ffb
>driver deals with both the PCI and UPA varients, if I remember
How about the SS10/20's SX?
I wonder how hard it would be to get Sun to release the software they
wrote to drive their graphics cards that are now past EOL (most of
that list...)?
Erik <>