Subject: Re: EXB-4200c, the continuing saga...
To: NetBSD/sparc Discussion List <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/05/2000 14:00:19
Greg, as I was the one looking for the driver clues and wanting it to
work (and enrst0 does work for st &c. -- the drive still rejects tapes
out of hand!), I think we've gone a bit far afield, especially to
start dictating things like "production quality", here.
Could we please drop it at this point? Bitching about it in that kind
of a context is not likely to get it fixed, and the lengthy diatribes
(esp. WRT open_as() and other issues) are starting to become more noise
than signal.
All I want is my stupid fscking tape drive to work.
If it's that big of a deal, then perhaps mt(1) could be modified to
deal with enrst0 instead of nrst0 (or enrstwhatever), but that's a lose.
The complexity added by having to specify /dev/enrst0, to me, is not
that big a deal. It has told me that my drive is talking to the system
just fine.
[now if I can get it to accept TAPES, that's something. I'm about ready
to stuff an order of petit-fours into it out of total frustration.]
*BSD: Power Your Net.