Subject: Re: solaris emulation problem
To: None <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/28/2001 18:00:11
On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Brian Hechinger wrote:

# just an FYI, a lot of pre-Creator 24-bit framebuffers have had support dropped
# for them in Solaris 8 (actually 2.6 was the last for at least the ZX)
# i don't have a list, but the ZX is most definitely not supported anymore.
# just don't be suprised after look at the source for 8 if you don't find what
# you are looking for.


	- The hardware has been end-of-lifed.
	- The architecture that supports the hardware has been end-of-lifed.
	- The software that supports the hardware has been end-of-lifed.

	It should be easy to get reference code for said drivers from Sun.

The only thing I can see getting in the way is the Board of Directors
saying, "But that will reduce our sales, and we can't have that." in
which case it'll either get squished or someone will convince them that
the number of machines supported compared to the number of new machines
they will sell will approximate as next to nothing as makes no odds.

# cheers,
# -brian

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