Subject: Re: MMU problems (Was: JavaStation w/ OBP3 - some progress)
To: Valeriy E. Ushakov <>
From: Paul Kranenburg <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/12/2001 14:05:52
> For /virtual-memory
> existing                 00000000 00000000 80000000 
>                          00000000 80000000 80000000 
> available                00000000 fffff000 00001000 
>                          00000000 00000000 f0000000 
>                          00000000 f0040000 0ffa3000

Well, that's just dumb!  But.. is there anything in the boot programs
that could have provoked the PROM to do this?

To quote from:
18 August, 1994 IEEE Draft Std P1275.1/D14a User interface extensions  

"5.2.6. Virtual address space and memory allocation 

 When a client program begins execution, an Open Firmware implementations use
 of any virtual address space outside of the ranges 0xffd0.0000-0xffef.ffff
 and 0xfe00.0000-0xfeff.ffff shall have ceased, except for the virtual
 address space and associated memory that is allocated for the client
 programs code and data, as specified in the client program header.
 Subsequently, the Open Firmware implementation shall not allocate virtual
 address space outside those ranges, except as needed for the execution of
 subsequent client programs or as explicitly requested by a client program.