Subject: Re: NetBSD/sparc 1.5.1-BETA is now available
To: User Nbsdbob NetBSD Bob <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/19/2001 16:00:23
User Nbsdbob NetBSD Bob drunkenly mumbled...
> > 
> > ATTENTION! tar archive volume change required.
> > Ready for archive volume: 1
> > Input archive name or "." to quit tar.
> > Archive name > 
> That is exactly what happens after the floppy timeouts on my SS10.
> It can't read the second floppy.  It also appears it can't read the
> tape for you.

turns out i buggered my tape.  so i remade the tape, and it worked fine.

i'm not saying your theory isn't correct, but it may not be 100% since my
problem turned out to be different.

have to guess off the top of my head though i'd take a stab at driver problems,
1.4.3 works, have you tried -current yet?
