Subject: RE: making old sparcs run fast
To: ali \(Anders Lindgren\) <>
From: Grant Beattie <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/15/2001 14:34:30
> The above also applies to running the official Solaris version of Netscape
> on a 4x450MHz Ultra80 with 4G of RAM and X11:ing the (8bpp) display home
> over a local 10Mbit ethernet. It's still painfully slow (and netscape 4.77
> crashes even worse than mozilla 0.8 did).
> What browser do other port-sparc users out there run on their sparcs?

NetBSD 1.5/ss5(170mhz)/Netscape4.76(SunOS4)

Certainly no speed issues here, and it's noticably faster than running it
4.76 native on Solaris 2.x.
