Subject: Re: making old sparcs run fast
To: None <>
From: Sebastian Marius Kirsch <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/21/2001 18:34:48
On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 04:34:34PM +0100, Greg MATTHEWS wrote:
> ifyou have a dsl router with an ethernet port you wont have these
> probs.
Unless, of course, you are struck with that blight called PPP over
Ethernet, which is regularly inflicted upon its customers by the German
telephone company. The user-space implementation sucks such an ungodly
amount of CPU time that I had to get myself a Classic just to be able to
saturate my 768kbps link -- the IPX I had before that would only do
about 50kbps over the link. Granted that a Classic is not what you'd
consider a lightning fast box nowadays, but just for routing purposes,
it should be able to saturate 10mbps easily.
Yours, Sebastian Kirsch <>
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