Subject: /instfs: file system full
To: None <>
From: Peter J Jones <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/24/2001 21:25:23
Hi all. I just got a IPC from a friend. Please forgive me but this
hardware is new to me as is NetBSD. I am a long time *nix geek so
I hope that can make up for my ignorance.

I can get past the first boot disk, which looks like a kernel is
running. It finds the 100MB SCSI disk and the 24MB of memory.

After I get the second disk going I start getting errors about
/instfs being full. tar gives up after a while.

Does this have to do with the 24MB of memory? I am not sure where
to get more, I have never seen memory like this. Also, can I go
and get any SCSI disk for this thing?

Thanks for your help,

: Peter Jones (     :      Unix Geek - Four Wheeling :
:                   :     Code Writing - Jesus Freak :
:echo er|perl -0160 -pe ';$;=ord$/;s;^;"\U$/".chr($\;-11).chr$\;+4;e;':