Subject: Re: Returned mail: see transcript for details
To: Shannon Hendrix <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/26/2001 21:28:28
On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 07:22:21PM -0400, Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> That's not how I thought it worked, and seems counter-intuitive, but it
> will do. It seems like there should be a branch for necessary changes to
> a release, like bug fixes for example.
There *is* a branch, and what't you're getting with the release-1-5 sup
release is this branch.
> If releases are static, then what is the proper way to get bug fixes
> for production/stable releases?
releases are static (a CVS tag in the CVS repository).
Bug fixes gets into the release branch (a CVS branch in the CVS repository).
> For example, things like dhcpd were broken in 1.5, and needed to be
> updated on one of my machines. That was my primary reason for starting
> to use sup.
> I just want the latest version of a release's sources, not the bleeding
> edge of a release branch.
the bleeding edge is -current (the HEAD of the CVS repository) not the release
Manuel Bouyer <>