Subject: keyboard/mouse demux
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/11/2001 15:39:53
I don't expect anyone to care that much about this. But I wanted it;
someday someone else may, and having this message in the archives may
help. And besides, my expectation may be wrong. :-)
I have a dual-haeded machine, and wanted to run completely independent
stuff on the two heads. But I didn't want to have to burn the serial
ports on hooking up another keyboard and mouse. (It's easy enough to
do; you just need level shifters, and maybe inverters depending on
whether the level shifter inverts - I find an ICL232 and a 7404, plus a
+5V supply, is all I need.)
So I hacked in a software switching layer. Depending on which side of
it you look at, it's a multiplexer or a demulitplexer.
Instead of
kbd0 at zs1 channel 0
ms0 at zs1 channel 1
I now have
kmmux0 at zs1 channel 0
kmmux1 at zs1 channel 1
kbd0 at kmmux0
ms0 at kmmux1
kbd1 at kmmux0
ms1 at kmmux1
kbd2 at kmmux0
ms2 at kmmux1
and by default the hardware is connected to kbd0 and ms0. There's a
keystroke sequence (ctrl-F1 followed by a digit) for switching it to
another kbd/ms pair; as far as userland can tell, I have three
keyboards and mice on my machine. (And I'm learning all about how much
stuff blindly assumes /dev/kbd and /dev/mouse are the right things;
fortunately, they've been pretty easy to fix so far.)
I consider this alpha-quality code at the moment, but as I'm going to
be using it reasonably heavily myself, I expect it to get burnt in
pretty fast. As always, drop me a line if you're interested.
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