Subject: Re: CG14 code
To: None <>
From: Michael Ritzert <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/29/2001 08:17:28
Erik E. Fair writes:
> I think our best bet to get this working (and working well) is to pry
> the driver source code loose from Sun; the SX and the SS20 are way
> past EOL, and any proprietary value that code had has long since gone
> to zero, since it has been eclipsed by the PC graphics chip market. I
> believe it's mostly a matter of prodding Sun sharply and insistently
> enough that they release it. Sun has no programming manuals for their
This is probably a good idea. Nevertheless, i remember having read
that sparc linux has at least some support for 24 bit graphics cards
(ZX and Creator, both unaccelerated, ZX even working in sun4c
machines). Why is it not possible to borrow code from there?