Subject: Re: netbsd: ms0: input error (0x3447)
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/04/2001 05:23:47
> I'm using NetBSD 1.5  not the beta version or anything.
> What baudrate does it expect on default?

1200.  Absent hardware hackery, that's what Sun mice run at.  Mice
recent enough to have miniDIN-8 connectors can generally run at 4800,
or in some cases 9600 - but to get that, you have to open up the mouse
and do a little soldering work.

> It's a type 4 keyboard.  And I don't know what baudrate the optical
> mouse that comes with it runs at.  Anyone know this?

Unless someone's opened it up and rewired the baudrate select pins, it
runs at 1200.  Or at least it tries to; it's possible, albeit unlikely,
that the mouse's baudrate crystal, or the host's, has drifted far
enough to disrupt communication.

> Or does the info above suggest the baud rate is not the problem?

If it works fine for minutes on end (you said it sometimes will go for
an hour without a complaint), that suggests to me that the baudrate is
not part of the problem.  (It was unlikely to start with, but it is
one of the few possible problems capable of producing this symptom that
could be fixed in software.)

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