Subject: Re: blinking lights and video artifacts
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/14/2001 23:29:05
> I have also noticed that some of the hosts [...] had problems leaving
> artifacts on the screen (console) when backspacing (delete left)
> existing text -- all characters to the *right* of the cursor would be
> "smudged" (as if the blitter was confused).

I have seen this, but only with RASTERCONSOLE on a bwtwo.  Are you
using RASTERCONSOLE and are you using a bwtwo?

I keep meaning to track it down and fix it, but so far haven't been
irritated enough to bother.  (I'd also assumed it had long since been
fixed and what I was seeing was an artifact of my versino freeze, but
if that's not the case, I'll see if I can convince myself to get on
this issue sooner.)

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