Subject: Fw: blinking lights and video artifacts
To: Port-SPARC <>
From: Don Yuniskis <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/14/2001 20:50:55
Grrrr... forgot to Cc the list on this one... <:-(
-----Original Message-----
From: Don Yuniskis <>
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
Date: Sunday, October 14, 2001 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: blinking lights and video artifacts
>>> I have also noticed that some of the hosts [...] had problems leaving
>>> artifacts on the screen (console) when backspacing (delete left)
>>> existing text -- all characters to the *right* of the cursor would be
>>> "smudged" (as if the blitter was confused).
>>I have seen this, but only with RASTERCONSOLE on a bwtwo. Are you
>>using RASTERCONSOLE and are you using a bwtwo?
>IIRC, the IPC's are bwtwo's. (shame-faced) I can't recall
>if the behaviour appeared *during* install (e.g. escape to shell)
>or *after* having installed GENERIC... *or* after I installed
>my new kernel. *OR*, if it has since disappeared! <:-/
>As I said, I was just mentioning it in the hopes someone could
>bootstrap my debuging with some all-knowing "Yes, the problem
>is in XYZ...". Of course, I was hoping this would just be
>a boot rom issue (since I know the boxes have different
>boot rom versions) but I haven't rushed to burn new ROMs
>until I knew *if* the ROMs are even used after IPL...
>>I keep meaning to track it down and fix it, but so far haven't been
>>irritated enough to bother. (I'd also assumed it had long since been
>>fixed and what I was seeing was an artifact of my versino freeze, but
>>if that's not the case, I'll see if I can convince myself to get on
>>this issue sooner.)
>In *my* case, it's not irritating at all -- since running with
>a monitor attached is not the way I use the boxes. Just a
>query to see if I *should* dig further...