Subject: Re: Fw: blinking lights and video artifacts
To: der Mouse <>
From: Don Yuniskis <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/14/2001 23:48:25
>>>> I have also noticed that some of the hosts [...] had problems
>>>> leaving artifacts on the screen (console) [...]
>>> I have seen this, but only with RASTERCONSOLE on a bwtwo.  Are you
>>> using RASTERCONSOLE and are you using a bwtwo?
>> IIRC, the IPC's are bwtwo's.
>I'd check, but I don't think I have an IPC.

I'll drag out a monitor and poke around.  If you're
(reasonably) sure that it's NBSD related (vs. something
in the boot ROMs!), I can just test it on *one* box
and get "conclusive evidence"...  :>   It would be a real
pain to have to drag the monitor around to *each* box just
to see which ROM versions were the problem (if that was
the case...)

>In my case, I'm certain that it's a NetBSD bug, because I use not only
>RASTERCONSOLE but FONT_FIXED6x13, so normal console output is trivially
>distinguishable from ROM output.
>>> I keep meaning to track it down and fix it, [...]
>> In *my* case, it's not irritating at all -- since running with a
>> monitor attached is not the way I use the boxes.  Just a query to see
>> if I *should* dig further...
>Well, if it's still present, it needs fixing, whether or not it
>irritates _you_. :-)

Of course!  I just anted to know if this was a "update your
boot ROM" issue or a "NetBSD bug-fix"...
