Subject: Re: Fw: blinking lights and video artifacts
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/15/2001 04:00:05
> If you're (reasonably) sure that it's NBSD related (vs. something in
> the boot ROMs!), [...]

> I just anted to know if this was a "update your boot ROM" issue or a
> "NetBSD bug-fix"...

Well, let me be precise.

I've seen behaviour that convinces me there is a bug in the kernel in
use on my bwtwo-console machine.  (Specifically, in the RASTERCONSOLE
code for shifting part of a line left.)

The description you've given so far is consistent with the behaviour
I've seen.

Now, whether there is also a similar bug in some ROM versions, I don't
know; I've seen no behaviour that makes me think so.  Whether the
behaviour you're seeing is due to the same bug as the behaviour I'm
seeing, I also don't know, though I suspect so; I'm treating this as a
working hypothesis.

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