Subject: Re: Netscape, Mozilla, SOMETHING please
To: None <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/01/2001 16:33:56
[ On Thursday, November 1, 2001 at 14:27:46 (-0500), wrote: ]
> Subject: Netscape, Mozilla, SOMETHING please
> Amaya and Mosaic work ok for what they are, but even my Vax's Netscape
> 3.03 is WAY nicer. I've taken to running the vax's browser and displaying
> it on my Sparc, but that isn't a very pretty solution to me. 3.03 is the
> latest version of Netscape for VMS/Vax and 4.7x is latest for solaris. 
> Which would you chose?

Any plain X11 client will run faster and smoother if it is running on
another host (except when you need a lot of very high-speed access to
the frame buffer, such as with mpeg_play); or unless you can get the
best of both worlds with a multi-processor box (but of course that's
still not going to help on a 4/330, and nowhere with NetBSD-release).

I built and ran Mozilla on NetBSD/sparc on an SS20 with the display on
my NCD HMX, and it was OK except where you could tell they were doing a
lot more floating point computation than they probably need to.

Mozilla on the sparc also corrupted the databases in the profile
generated on my i386.  I think it would be OK with a separate user
profile, but I ended up going back to just running it on my i386 server
because even though the latter is a little more loaded, and has less
memory than the SS20, it behaves a little snappier when rendering
complex HTML, jpeg and png images, etc.

Your 4/330 should make an excellent X11 server -- just don't run any
clients on it!  ;-)

							Greg A. Woods

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