Subject: Re: X Windows problems on diskless SunOS 4.1.4 client of NetBSD
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Brad Knowles <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/14/2001 03:51:56
At 9:37 PM -0500 11/13/01, der Mouse wrote:
> It uses the /var/tmp in the underlying filesystem, of course. (If you
> don't have one, then you've mis-set-up your /tmp and you can expect to
> lose.)
I would believe that most people who put /var onto a separate
filesystem probably will not think to create an additional tmp
directory underneath the /var mount point, for the express purpose of
being used while in single-user mode before /var is mounted.
Moreover, I can imagine all sorts of nasty things that could
happen if files were opened in this /var/tmp directory before the
separate /var were mounted and then those file handles continued to
be written to until the root filesystem filled up.
Been there, done that, got both the t-shirt and the baseball cap.
I re-iterate -- symlinking /tmp to /var/tmp is a really bad idea.
Brad Knowles, <>