Subject: Re: Hardware questions
To: Geoff Blake <>
From: Don Yuniskis <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/25/2001 15:17:17
> Geoff Blake a ecrit:

>> >      Likewise, each of these machines have "slots" for 
>> > daughterboards -- three per machine, I think (though the
>> > LX/Classic/IPC seem to have only 2?).  The unused slots
>> > leave gaping holes in the back of the chassis -- which I
>> > assume is not intended!  :>  I guess some masking tape
>> > or bits of cardboard could plug them up... But, are there
>> > some sort of "plug" that fits these openings?  If so,
>> > what do they look like (again, so I know what to look
>> > for...)


>IIRC, IPC and IPX are fitted with a BW video system on the

The IPC is bw2.

>motherboard, sometimes a Sbus CG3 or the like is fitted to give colour
>capability - at least that was the case with the IPC's that I have.

Yes.  One box had a double wide CG6 (defective).

>The LX is fitted with a CG3 on the motherboard - never seen the
>classic so cannot help there.

Classic is also cg3 -- it is essentially a slower version
of the LX.

But, the gist of my question was info on the plates used to
plug up the holes in the rear panel when a slot is unused...
>> >      Also, I would like recommendations for NIC's that
>> > implement "10MHz" ethernet with AUI or AUI/10Base2 (!)
>> > interfaces.  Obviously, this would let me turn boxes
>> > into small routers...
>The IPC/X have an AUI socket, use a 10baseT to AUI adaptor. 

That only gives me *one* I/F.  I was looking for NICs that
"would let me turn boxes into small routers..."  :>

FWIW, I am running them with 10Base2 xceivers plugged into
the AUI's currently.

>The LX has 10baseT as standard.

It also has an AUI via the MII connector.  But, again, that
only gives me *one* interface... still need an SBUS card
to get a second I/F!  :-(
