Subject: Re: Hardware questions
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/26/2001 00:42:05
> There are single slot sbus NICs out there aplenty; I do not know if
> there are ones with 10BaseT ports, but I own one with AUI and
> 10Base2.
I have seen a number of single-slot SBus cards that provide Ethernet.
Some of them also provide SCSI; I have seen two sorts of these. One
sort has SCSI and a 10baseT jack; the other sort has SCSI and a funny
idiosyncratic connector, and external cables which break it out to
either 10baseT or AUI. This sort also has on-card jumpers to select
whether you're using 10baseT or AUI - I've never experimented to see
what happens if you set the jumpers wrong for the external cable you're
I've also got some (again, single-slot) cards which have no SCSI, but
do have both AUI and 10base2 connectors on the back.
> Point being: The cards you are looking for (with 10Base2 ethernet) DO
> exist.
Indeed they do. I own two of them. :-)
> There also exist, if you need one, AUI --> 10Base2 transceivers,
> although I suspect these are much harder to find nowadays.
I also own four of these, and have two more on indefinite long-term
loan which will probably never be recalled. I never use 10base2 any
more except for machines that have nothing else, like a DECstation I
was playing with not so very long ago. If you're not too far away, I
could probably set up a little 10base2 setup to test these and post you
a couple; they're not doing anyone any good sitting on the shelf.
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