Subject: Re: Hardware questions
To: Don Yuniskis <>
From: Julian C. Dunn <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/26/2001 01:11:09
On 26-Nov-2001 Don Yuniskis wrote:
>>Do you have a Sun monitor with which to test it?
> Yes.  A type 449 (?) if that means anything.  :>  Works
> well with the internal fb's in the IPC, Classic and LX.
> So, I suspect the problem on the CG6 is truly a hardware
> problem and not just a fluke...

The part # doesn't mean anything to me. On the other hand, it depends on what
kind of symptoms you are seeing with the monitor that cause you to suspect
hardware problems. Certain Sun monitors will not work with certain Sun
framebuffers because the resolution is wrong. For example, plugging a two-bit
monitor into a Sun with a color card may not always work; either you will get a
picture with a messed-up resolution (driving the monitor at a frequency higher
than it can handle), or no picture at all.

>>Point being: The cards you are looking for (with 10Base2 
>>ethernet) DO exist.  There also exist, if you need one, 
>>AUI --> 10Base2 transceivers, although I
>>suspect these are much harder to find nowadays.
> Yes, I have several of these.  I currently use them to tie
> the various boxes to the coax *within* a particular room.
> Though I suspect I will need to pick up a few more.
> (sigh)  Sort of like stamp collecting -- you're never "done"!

That's the way it goes with computer hardware; despite my best efforts, I
always seem to acquire more of it. :-)

- Julian

[      Julian C. Dunn <> * <>       ]
[     WWW:  * PGP: 0xFDC205B9      ]
[     "There is a world outside of this room, and when you meet it,      ]
[      promise me you won't meet it with a gun." -- 10,000 Maniacs       ]