Subject: Re: Hardware questions
To: None <>
From: Don Yuniskis <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/26/2001 14:25:26
>der mouse shrieked:

>>> Actually, you can use 36-bit SIMMs, as well.
>> Yes, the hardware FAQ claimed this was possible -- just can't mix and
>> match 33/36...
>You can't?  I've never had trouble playing mix-&-match; it always just
>uses the narrowest width of anything I've got in there.

<shrug>  Dunno.  You will note that I said "the hardware FAQ claimed..."
I haven't tried it on the Classic or the LX -- prefering to live
with whatever is there *working*, now...  :-(

>Unless you mean that there's a problem with the <IPX,33,36> triple, and
>I just haven't happened to try that particular one, which certainly
>could be.

>>> at the "ok" PROM prompt), when the machine resets, you will see RAM
>>> tests done, and then a message saying something like "switching to
>>> 33 bit parity mode" or "switching to 36 bit parity mode."
>> Ah, cool!
>Yes, it is.  I've used this mode as a memory sizing tool - when I have
>a 72-pin stick of unknown size and width, I set diag-switch? true, pop
>it in, and watch the messages.  If the stick is bad, it sometimes dies;

Oh.  I find it easier to just check the P/N's of the components on
the SIMM.  :>  While I have been delighted at how easy the SPARCs
are to open up, etc., I find the SIMM sockets to be pretty
begrudging when it comes to releasing SIMMs.  Also, FWIW, most
SIMM sockets are really only specified for a *handful* of
insertions (of course, they tend to work much longer than that
but I don't want to troubleshoot a flakey SIMM socket!)

>putting good 4Mx36 sticks on either side of it will usually make it

Ah, that's worth knowing.  I.e. put the suspect SIMM in slot 1
and populate slots 0 and 2 with 4M devices?  Isn't there any
sort of rule regarding "largest devices in lowest slots"?

>not-hang, reducing the failure mode to an error from the memory

Sure would be nice to know the fancy "light flash" codes on the
keyboard!  Had some bad 4M SIMMs in an LX (?) and couldn't even
get the banner/logo to appear!  :-(  But, could see that something
was obviously running by the patterns on the keyboard LEDs

>> Well, one can argue that if you *need* parity, you're already dealing
>> with a flakey system/design!  :>
>True.  But doing parity allows to at least find out that your system
>has gone flaky, which is arguably better than silently getting bad

Yes, of course.  My comment was intended tongue in cheek.
20 years ago, the ECC systems were often flakey enough that
they *decreased* reliability -- though, as you said, the
system would fail *dead* which could be argued as being
SAFER than failing half way!
